Conan Exiles, Funcom’s delve into the survival and crafting genre set within Robert E. Howard’s Conan universe, just received its largest expansion to date with the recent Isles of Siptah release. With that expansion finally hitting consoles and PC’s, Conan Exiles also made the jump onto Gamepass for Xbox owners and with that, came the inevitable next gen upgrades, optimisations and enhancements that players look forward to.
Funcom has released a comparison trailer highlighting the most important visual enhancements to the game. The trailer shows off the differences between the Xbox One and Xbox Series X mainly though it’s not hard to imagine that the bulk of these upgrades, if not all, will be available on Series S as well.
You can take a look at the trailer below to see a side by side comparison between the Xbox One version and the enhanced Series X version. First up the game will now support both volumetric lighting and fog with larger draw distances for foliage and grass and an overall higher view distance. Shadows are getting a bump as well with improved shadow quality and further distances in which they can be rendered. Water materials have been improved and textures are getting a bump with higher quality along with what is becoming the standard 4k resolution for those who have relevant displays. Finally visual effects and post processing will be looking better – and more noticeable – than before.