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19 posts
Crow Country might be the cosiest survival-horror game (and perfect for the Nintendo Switch)
A wholesome horror homage
Alone in the Dark (2024) committed the unforgivable crime of just being good rather than critically acclaimed
Yet another good game left alone in the dark...
Phantom Fury takes too long to get good in an age when no one has patience
Not so fast to get furious
Hammerwatch Anniversary Edition is perfect for those who love methodical dungeon delving
...and it’s an accessible entry point for local or online coop
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin is a great case study on what does and does not work with console RTS
Order vs. Chaos vs. thumbsticks vs. multitasking
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is an easy-to-dive-into title for One Piece fans
I'm going to become King of the Pirates!
Chasm: The Rift on consoles is a good port of an average game
Great ideas, inconsistent execution
Redfall feels like the antithesis of Arkane
I thought the Xbox Game Pass model meant more creativity and novel experiences.
Dead Space (2023) is great but I still love the original
The (mostly) definitive version