Originally released for PC and Xbox Series machines in January of this year, Bloober Team’s psychological horror game, The Medium, is coming to PS5 on September 3rd, 2021. Sorry, last gen system owners, but this one won’t be scaring you on older hardware.
Powered by Unreal Engine 4, The Medium places you in the psychic shoes of Marianne who is plagued by a strange dream. With an offer to discover the answer to the dream, Marianne travels to the abandoned Niwa Workers Resort in Poland, which has a strong connection to the spirit realm. Utilising a dual world display system, players can control Marianne through the real world and the spirit realm simultaneously, as she searches for answers and uses elements in each world to solve puzzles.
Designed primarily with next-gen systems and hardware in mind, The Medium will have super-fast load times on PS5, as it did on Xbox Series machines, along with ray-traced visuals and full DualSense support, though how this will work in game has yet to be clarified. For those hoping to have had their Silent Hill itches scratched, The Medium looks as though it may just be up their alley as legendary Silent Hill composer, Akira Yamaoka, composed the game’s soundtrack along with Arkadiusz Reikowski.