Those of us who were looking forward to Developer The Artistocrats and Publisher Slitherine Ltd.’s Starship Troopers – Terran Command will have to wait a little while longer. Originally planned for a March 31st 2022 release, the game has now been pushed back to June 16th 2022.
The official message from Slitherine Games and The The Artistocrats is as follows:
Today we are making an important announcement related to the release date: Starship Troopers – Terran Command won’t be releasing on March 31st as previously announced. The new and definitive launch date will be June 16, 2022.
We know many will find this announcement disappointing and we apologize. We truly feel that a few extra months of further polish and bug fixing will make a significant difference.
We intend to deliver a finished and polished game, and it is very important for us that you are able to fully enjoy the game from day 1, without any issue spoiling your fun or without having to wait for future patches or hotfixes.
The game is now content complete and all remaining development time will be entirely focused on refining what already exists. We can’t wait to reveal more, and we plan to show you a lot in the months leading up to the launch in June.
We appreciate the developer’s transparency about this and hope that the final product will be every bit as great as we expect. As fans of the franchise we’re looking forward to playing and bringing you a full review of Starship Troopers Terran Command when it launches later this year.